Good morning, Marketer, and who’s watching your AI?

As organizations adopt artificial intelligence and machine learning for an increasing number of marketing functions and other applications, human team members need to assume greater responsibilities for these powerful solutions.

Contributor Theresa Kushner outlines marketing’s role in AI governance for us today. Left unchecked, AI could unintentionally expose sensitive information or spit out irrelevant messages due to “model drift.”

It’s best to catch these glitches internally. If your customers encounter a compromised experience due to unruly automated functions, they will be sure to let you know. Or they might just opt out and move onto another business.

Chris Wood,

Governing AI: What part should marketing play?

With artificial intelligence (AI)/machine learning (ML) models being developed for all kinds of marketing problems, what part should marketing play in developing and monitoring the applications that serve them?

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Attentive launches text-to-buy solution with Shopify’s Shop Pay

Marketers can expand commerce through SMS campaigns and improve text experiences.

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Don't miss this webinar! Unlock the Power of TikTok for Your Social Strategy

With 800 million active users worldwide, TikTok is influencing a whole new generation of social media users and consumers. Don’t get left behind.

RSVP Today

Invoca announces new integration with Five9

The partnership aims to provide a deeper connection between marketing campaigns and call center sales teams.

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The 5 steps marketing leaders practice during digital transformation

Learn how marketing leaders succeed with digital work management solutions during the hybrid work era.

RSVP Today

What is call analytics software and how is AI giving marketers more power to measure inbound call data?

The ability to track calls is a core use case of call analytics technology. However, advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) are driving more sophisticated applications.

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Will in-person events continue to be impacted as COVID constantly reinvents itself?

With COVID seemingly never more transmissible, are marketers becoming more hesitant about attending live events? Take our quick survey.

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