February 17, 2021
Dear Valued Reader,

Things are a little slow in these parts as I'm getting distracted by some home projects during a holiday week, but we do still have a teaser or two to solve -- this one's from Chris Wood, about a company that marries health care and technology to be "Bill Gates' favorite IPO" -- what is this stock that Wood's pitching as his #1 investment for 2021?  Just click below to...

Did you miss any of the hype-y goodness from newsletterland last week?  Let's catch you up... we started by looking into a gold and silver "speculator" play from Eric Fry, just click here for that.

And the most-discussed article this week revolved around another Motley Fool pitch, this time hinting at a recent IPO that "targest 827X potential growth" in entertainment... Thinkolator results (and discussion) here.

Space is about as hot as things get these days, and if you combine "space" with "IPO" or "SPAC", well, things get really nutty -- so we were curious about Manward Press and their pitch about a "pre-IPO opportunity" that would feed our cell phones with 6G signals from satellites -- my take is here.

Doc Gumshoe popped in with an update this week, too -- there's a little COVID talk, of course, but most of his thoughts touch on Alzheimer's Disease... Michael's piece is here.

And it all came to a crashing end just in time for Happy Hour on Friday, with the Friday File for my favoritest people -- I'm knee-deep on my Annual Review, so this is part three of that as I update my thoughts on holdings like Roku, Berkshire Hathaway, Shopify and Brookfield Asset Management, among many more, along with a bunch of small trades to update.  Just click below for that...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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