Greetings from WPBeginner HQ.

In this edition of WPBeginner's Top 10, we covered what's coming in WordPress 4.6, ten awesome WordPress features that you probably didn't know existed, a guide on how to add visual graphs / charts, and more.


Syed Balkhi

PS: Want us to cover something specific? Let me know by replying to this email.

What's Coming in WordPress 4.6 (Features and Screenshots)

WordPress 4.6 is going to be released in mid-August. We give you an exclusive preview of what's coming in the new version.

10 Awesome WordPress Features That You Probably Didn't Know Existed

WordPress comes with so many awesome features and is continuously adding new ones. Here are 10 awesome features you probably didn't know existed.

Exclusive - Bluehost $2.95 / month + Free Domain (48 Hours Only)

Our friends at Bluehost have decided to offer WPBeginner users a special rate $2.95 / month on WordPress hosting (offer expires in 48 hours).

How to Add Content Locking in WordPress

Want to get more email subscribers? Use this content locking trick to instantly get more email subscribers from your existing blog posts.

How to Automatically Add Watermark to Images in WordPress

Want to add watermark to your WordPress images? This tutorial shows you two easy to use plugins to automatically add watermark to your images.

How to Create Bars and Charts in WordPress

Want to add bar graphs, line graphs, pie charts, and more in your blog posts? Visualizer is the best free WordPress plugin to help you do just that!

How to Remove Password Reset / Change Option in WordPress

Sometimes you may need to disable the password reset option on your WordPress site. This article shows both the plugin and code method on how to accomplish that.

How to Disable RSS Feeds in WordPress

Want to disable all RSS feeds or specific feeds on your blog? Here's how to do that with just a few clicks.

10 Research Based Tips to Improve Your Contact Form Conversions

Want to get more leads from your contact forms? You may want to read this guide that I wrote on WPForms.

73 Proven and Simple Ways to Grow Your Email List

Looking for new ideas to grow your email list? Mary shared 73 proven and simple ways to grow your email list. 


Are you maximizing your chances to rank higher in Google?

Here's a on-page SEO checklist that you can use to fully optimize your blog posts and website.

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Here's to you and an amazing 2016!
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