Aug 07, 2020

Happy Friday from Washington, where President Trump warns about the risks of voting by mail in a national election. Trouble looms if New York’s experience is any indication, Fred Lucas reports. On the podcast, a Minnesota policy expert analyzes the “defund the police” drive in Minneapolis. Plus: revisiting citizen’s arrests; celebrating the Purple Heart; what the Founders were made of; uncertainty about baseball reflects misinformation on COVID-19; and Obama plays the race card. Thirty years ago today, President George H.W. Bush orders Operation Desert Shield in response to Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait five days earlier. Have a great weekend.

By Virginia Allen

“Crime has jumped. … Homicides are up. Violent crime is up. Nonviolent crime is up, as you would expect,” says John Hinderaker, president of the Minnesota policy organization Center of the American Experiment.
By Fred Lucas

The New York City Board of Elections received 403,103 mail-in ballots for the primary, but counted only 318,995, leaving 84,108—or 21% of those votes—uncounted.
By Daniel Gade

Twenty-five sailors and Marines who I did not know and would never meet got up from their dinner and donated their blood in bags that were transfused into my body, saving my life. Those profound acts of selfless love illustrate the meaning of the Purple Heart to me.
By Sarah Williams

According to Smithsonian Magazine, George Washington’s legacy is nothing more than “false teeth, tricorn hats, and nearly 150 slaves.”
By Amy Swearer

Georgia’s “citizen’s arrest” law came to the national forefront earlier this year after several men misused it to justify chasing down and killing Ahmaud Arbery, a 25-year-old jogger the men said they suspected of burglary.
By Doug Badger

If you’re not convinced that Americans have been sold a distorted view of COVID-19 risk, consider Major League Baseball.
By Larry Elder

At the funeral of civil rights icon John Lewis, President Obama compared President Trump to not one but two racial segregationists.

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