Wealth Management FinTech

MAY 18, 2020

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Net Lease

What’s in Store for Warren Buffett’s Only REIT Holding?

To be fair, stocks across the  net lease  REIT sector have taken a hit because of economic jitters caused by the coronavirus pandemic. But STORE’s stock fall-off stands out thanks to one of its largest shareholders: investing guru Warren Buffett. STORE is the only REIT stock in Buffett’s portfolio at Omaha, Neb.-based investment conglomerate Berkshire Hathaway Inc.




The Full Circle: Controlling Crucial Conversations from Start to Finish

Digital marketing involves many pieces but, perhaps more than anything else, marketing is about effectively starting—and controlling—a conversation and this could not be more true than now, during the current crisis.



Is Self-Storage Truly ‘Recession Resistant’? The Coronavirus Puts the Industry to the Test

The self-storage industry’s status as a “recession-resistant business” is being put to the test during the coronavirus pandemic. But despite a sour economy, facility investors and operators will likely benefit in the coming months. See how and why.



How to Bolster Your Business Continuity Plan

Bolster your preparedness plan with these five essential questions.



Lobbying Stampede Breaks Out as Window Narrows for Next Stimulus

A socially distant lobbying stampede has broken out in Washington for what may well be the last major stimulus bill to address the coronavirus pandemic. Marijuana dispensaries want access to banking services, home builders want tax credits for constructing low-income residences, potato growers want to be paid for excess supply.


J.C. Penney Faces Possible Snag to a Smooth Restructuring

One creditor, H/2 Capital Partners LLC, built a reputation during the Toys “R” Us Inc. bankruptcy in 2018 for playing a role in the company’s liquidation. With J.C. Penney, the firm has two levers to push. It’s part of a group that owns about half the department-store chain’s most senior debt, and it’s got a piece of the $900 million loan meant to fund J.C. Penney through Chapter 11.


Eight Must Reads for the CRE Industry Today

In its twice-yearly financial stability report released Friday, The Federal Reserve warned on significant asset price declines, with commercial real estate potentially being among the most affected, Bloomberg reported. Legislation introduced in California could make it easier for small businesses to break their leases, according to a story from California Globe. These are among today’s must reads from around the commercial real estate industry.