Does Bovine Colostrum Boost Athletic Performance? |
| Athletes are always looking for an edge, whether it’s a new training protocol or a supplement that will allow them to run faster, put on more muscle, or recover more quickly. One supplement that’s been making the rounds is bovine (cow) colostrum—the “first milk” that mammals produce in the two to three days after giving birth. Colostrum contains protein, growth factors like IGF-1, and lots of vitamins and minerals, so it seems promising. But before you go spending your hard-earned money, let’s look at the data. We know that adult humans don’t seem to be able to absorb the IGF-1 in bovine colostrum,1 so maybe it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. And if bovine colostrum does confer any benefits, is that because it contains protein—in which case, it should be comparable to other protein supplements like whey—or is there something special about colostrum? Colostrum Supplements for Athletes A comprehensive literature review by the folks at Examine found no advantages for colostrum in terms of VO2 max, anaerobic running capacity, heart rate during exercise, or lactate threshold.2 It’s not all bad news, though. In terms of some positive outcomes: Older adults supplemented with colostrum (60g/day) or whey protein and resistance trained three times per week. After eight weeks, both groups increased upper body strength, muscle mass, cognitive function, and muscle thickness. The colostrum group also improved leg press strength and reduced bone resorption.3 Twenty-two healthy adults, who were already resistance training at least three times a week, took either colostrum (20g/day) or whey protein for eight weeks. The colostrum group gained an average of 1.5kg of lean mass, whereas the whey protein group stayed the same.4 In a small study of ten trained male cyclists, those who took 10 grams of colostrum daily for eight weeks maintained testosterone levels during a subsequent five-day race. A second group who took whey saw testosterone levels decline.5 When male and female elite field hockey players took colostrum (60g/day) for eight weeks, their sprint performance improved significantly compared to athletes who took whey. However, there were no significant differences in endurance performance or body composition.6 My takeaway is that in terms of performance, the benefits of colostrum are more or less on par with whey protein. It might have a slight advantage in some cases, but nothing mind-blowing. Health Benefits of Colostrum Supplementation Colostrum may be useful in helping athletes stay healthy. First, it could help counter athletes’ increased susceptibility to upper respiratory infections due to immunosuppression from excessive training.7,8 Second, it might alleviate some of the gut issues to which endurance athletes seem especially prone.9,10 For what it’s worth, I’ve had readers tell me they’ve had great success with using colostrum to address IBS-type symptoms. And if you’re an athlete who’s popping NSAIDs to keep pain at bay, colostrum supplementation could offset some of the damage you’re doing to your gut lining.11 The better course of action, though, would be to modify your workouts and find other ways to reduce or manage pain if possible. Dosing and Timing The studies I looked at gave participants somewhere between 10 or 20 grams per day on the low end and 60 grams per day on the high end, but I’ve heard of people taking much more. I see no obvious risk from taking a higher dose within reason (but talk to your doctor, et cetera). Apparently, for maximum absorption, you want to take colostrum on an empty stomach. If you are using powdered colostrum mixed with water, some of the colostrum will be absorbed directly through the mouth, which might or might not be good for immunity. Bovine Colostrum Risks? None that I can tell except, perhaps, if you don’t tolerate dairy. Colostrum does contain some casein and lactose, so tread carefully if you’re sensitive to those. The Bottom Line Other than cost, I see no reason not to try colostrum if you’re interested. Just understand that the main performance benefits can probably be chalked up to increasing your protein intake—meaning you’ll do just as well taking whey protein or eating a steak. The research into the other health benefits of bovine colostrum is intriguing, though. If I was dealing with persistent upper respiratory infections or symptoms of intestinal permeability, I’d be talking to my doctor about colostrum. If you’ve had a good (or bad) experience with bovine colostrum in the past, tell me about it. |
| References: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 |
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