Cory Sterling is a lawyer. But not just any lawyer. Cory is a cool lawyer. A holistic health nut himself, Cory left the shiny and very corporate white-collar world of law to help health professionals set up their businesses in a way that keeps them protected. Cory’s business, Conscious Counsel, provides legal counsel for creative, ambitious, and compassionate-leading business owners who build communities and make the world a better and healthier place. During this conversation, hear about topics such as the biggest problems that health coaches have getting started with the legal aspects of the business, how to navigate the law when there is no definition for health coaching, where the biggest issues with the law originate, and what Cory calls the Screenshot Defense. Also, we dig into how often coaches really get sued, what is and is not in the scope of practice, and the legal aspect of supplements and providing diagnostics, plus a whole lot more. Listen Now |