December 13, 2022

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Worst Drought on Record Parches Horn of Africa Worst Drought on Record Parches Horn of Africa

The most severe drought in 70 years of record keeping threatens the Horn of Africa with famine.

Relic Chinampas in Mexico City Relic Chinampas in Mexico City

Many of the canals and floating fields used by ancient civilizations in the Valley of Mexico were lost as lakes were drained, but some examples of the watery fields remain in Xochimilco.

Living the Lava Life on Mauna Loa Living the Lava Life on Mauna Loa

A small research station in Hawaii where analog astronauts simulate living and working on the Moon or Mars is out of harm's way after a lava flow appeared to be headed in its direction.

The Frozen Landscape of Isle Royale The Frozen Landscape of Isle Royale

The park is one of the most isolated natural areas in the continental United States and the site of long-running ecological studies.

Saba Island Saba Island

The quiet Caribbean island has been a destination for divers looking to spot corals and sea urchins.

Mount Etna Stands Above the Dust Mount Etna Stands Above the Dust

Saharan dust clouded the skies but stayed low enough to frame the Italian island's famously active volcano.

La Niña Times Three La Niña Times Three

Three consecutive years of La Niña conditions in the eastern Pacific Ocean make this a rare “triple dip” event.

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