August 21, 2017

Know what comes along a lot more frequently than solar eclipses?  The promise and hope of a new Alzheimer's Disease treatment... and that's what's being hinted at for us today in ads for Casey's Extraordinary Technology newsletter.  Editor Chris Wood is extolling the investment potential of the company that's using "Sig-1" to reverse Alzheimer's, and he thinks that will turn into 1,500% gains for you.  So what's he really talking about?  The Thinkolator is on the case, just click below to...
I was right where you are sitting... frustrated and losing way too much money in the market. Then I decided to take my trading seriously. I went from an embarrassing $5,500 of losses per year to generating $201.96 per day - in just 15 minutes a week.  Since November, my trading account is up over $32,000 making very simple trades.  How do I do it? Find the answer here.

Miss anything last week?

We started out with our minds on gold, as Stansberry's Gold and Silver Investor was running hot and heavy with ads that promised the "single biggest gold discovery in 12 years" ... think you know the stock?  We fired up the Thinkolator and checked it out for you, that story is here.

After gold it was cryptocurrencies that got everyone hot and bothered -- mostly because the Crypto Alert folks are pitching a new "coin" that will, sez Martin Hutchinson, surge past not only bitcoin and ethereum but also past the US dollar. We don't have a clear solution for this one, but I threw out a guess and our readers have some probably wiser solutions in an extended discussion section here.

I also took an interesting cruise Down Under for you this week, checking out a teaser pitch for the Motley Fool's Australian newsletter -- they throw out the hints just like the US publishers do, so we got a chance to identify what they say is the "single greatest Australian tech company of the 21st century" ... and you can join us on our voyage of discovery here.

Michael Jorrin, "Doc Gumshoe," also popped in to liven up the dog days of August... his latest piece checks in on some hot topics including CAR-T, hormone replacement therapy, prostate cancer, Alzheimer's Disease and more... Doc's latest is here

And then, for your Friday File edutainment, I looked at a teaser pitch from Paul Mampilly's Profits Unlimited about a "Medical Breakthrough" in "personalized medicine" ... and also have some updated thoughts for you on Disney, Yatra and Fairfax Financial.  That Friday File is here if you're one of our favorite people but missed the email.

Disclaimer: Nothing in this email or in the linked articles should be considered to be individual investment advice -- we can't tell you what you should do with your money, we can just share our opinions and perspective. Our authors try to use reliable information sources but also make mistakes of both fact and judgement on occasion, so all assertions should be checked and confirmed. You should speak with your financial advisor and understand everything fully before committing money to any investment.

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