Dear Valued Reader,

OK, OK, I'll write about this "C-V2X" business! 
That's the somewhat snarky reply I wanted to send out when I was getting a little stressed out about Christmas shopping, but, of course, I try not to be so grumpy in responding to emails... and we did get a lot of questions on this one, so let's dig in with good cheer.  What is this "C-V2X" thing being touted by Jeff Brown at Bonner and Partners, and is it going to revolutionalize cars and make us all safer (and wealthier, and more ready to brag about our brilliance at family holiday parties?)  Is his $6 stock really going to be the pick of the decade?  My take is just a moment away, click below to...

He made a $450 million deal with Nokia... a $395 million deal with Microsoft... an $828 million deal with Cisco... and a $29.26 BILLION deal with Apple.

How did the CEO of a stock trading for just $3 do it? And just how high will the stock go as a result? The incredible story here.


I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the most popular article I wrote last week was all about... how I might have gotten one of these teaser answers wrong

The Motley Fool Canada has been on a tear pitching A.I. stocks recently, and I shared a solution to one of those pitches on Monday... only to have to come back on Thursday  and offer, let's say, a bit more nuance.  Want to start with the fun part? Just click here for my retraction (or addition, depending on your perspective).

We do miss a teaser solution once in a while, usually about once a year... I'm OK with that, since we've shared a couple thousand teaser solutions over the past decade-plus, so that's why I'm also A-OK sharing the first story with you... I do fix my typos, but I try not to hide my mistakes, so the original Fool teaser answer on that little Canadian A.I. company is here.

What else?  The email that a few folks forwarded to me recently started, "the next payout Brit mentions is on the 14th of this month, which is just days away" ... and who doesn't want to catch a "payout?"  As usual, there's some truth to the Angel Publishing claim that you can claim "Prime Profits" from Amazon... but not a lot of truth -- and it's certainly a stretch to say that "Amazon is legally obligated to make you richer"... but there is a real income investment hiding under this silliness,my explanation is here.

I guess we shouldn't be surprised that someone's out there proclaiming themselves the "world's greatest stock picker" and promoting a nonstop run of "winners" -- Bill Patalon isn't the first to claim that title, and probably not the most ridiculous, but still, when someone tells us how great they are, and hints that they have the next great idea, like Patalon's "smart sensing revolution" that he says will lead to 471% gains, well, we at least want to figure out what the stock is so we can think about it for ourselves.  Ready with a little skepticism?  Great, just click here for my story.

I wrapped up the week, as usual, with the Friday File for our Irregulars (also known as "my favorite people" -- I can't be bought, but my fondness can be rented).  This time I've got a few updates on some Real Money Portfolio stocks like Starbucks and Shopify, along with an update to my long/short arbitrage trades and some more thoughts about Berkshire Hathaway.   Plus some cryptocurrency curmudgeonliness, just to get everyone in the holiday spirit.... that's all here and past Friday Files are below, enjoy!

Stock Gumshoe | |
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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