June 26, 2017

Today I'm a bit mired in a couple of things that haven't worked their way to a satisfactory solution, so I'm going to open up a Friday File from a couple weeks ago so that those of you who aren't paid members of the Irregulars can read it -- this is, in part, a solution to a teaser from Ernie Tremblay about a biotech stock with crazy growth coming from a "CD19 Vaccine"...  lots of readers got excited with his language that "A small Texas lab plans to announce a miraculous breakthrough that could defeat the most dangerous disease known to man."   The company did have news on June 23, but nothing immediately earthshaking in the "breakthrough" department... curious?  Just click below to...

It's no secret the world faces shortages in many commodities. The world's diminishing supply of everything from cocoa to coffee... lithium to lumber... phosphate to plutonium... silver to sugar... is of great concern. But there's an even bigger and more imminent commodity shortage at hand that no one is talking about. Details here...
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