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Stock Gumshoe Daily Update

July 22, 2016

Greetings, Gumshoe readers! 
Please click here for today's timely rerun

I generally reserve Fridays for the Irregulars, so right now I'm busily working away at their Friday File commentary for today... there have been some questions about a "Fingerprint of Life" pitch, so we're re-sharing an answer.

I covered a "fingerprint of life" ad back in November when it first started running, and I expect the questions we're getting are either about an updated version of that ad, or just one that's still lingering somewhere in cyberspace.  So here you go, I'm reposting that article (with just a quick update to the Quick Take) in case you've been wondering what the "fingerprint of life" is.

And yes, dear Irregulars, you'll get your Friday File commentary later today.  Thanks for reading!

--- Reminder ---

If you haven't yet sponsored my ride in the Pan Mass Challenge to support cancer treatment and research, I'd love to have your help!  

Gumshoe readers have been extremely generous
 in supporting the fundraising ride I'll be embarking on in two and a half weeks (it's for a great cause), so thank you very much ... but we can do better!  

I hope you'll consider sponsoring me with a donation today as I prepare to ride in memory of my father, and to help support future cancer patients.  Thank you!


There's one clear winner in the "which ad are people asking me about" race for this week, and it's the pitch from Sid Riggs about a $5 stock whose technology can "eradicate Zika" and maybe rise by 16,000%... so what's the stock?  Click here for our article and I'll explain (and get into some of the background, so you can do your research and make your own call).

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Disclaimer:  Nothing in this email or in the linked articles should be considered to be individual investment advice -- we can't tell you what you should do with your money, we can just share our opinions and perspective.  Our authors try to use reliable information sources but also make mistakes of both fact and judgement on occasion, so all assertions should be checked and confirmed.  You should speak with your financial advisor and understand everything fully before committing money to any investment.  


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Irregulars Corner:
5/25:      Why is Input Surging?

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