May 1, 2017

Happy May Day!  Readers of the world, Unite!  Take on the misleading and the convoluted, the impossible promises and the ridiculous daydreams... break free of the chains of hyperbole and join us in a utopia of clear and sensible ideas!  
Our project today?  Looking into the "Little-known Social Security Contract" that Lifetime Income Report says could put an extra $6,880 in your pocket... what the heck are they talking about? Just click below to...
Rancher Warns Trump Supporters from Isolated Mountain
During his campaign, President Trump warned about this. It's the crisis liberals have secretly been hoping for. Here's how this multi-millionaire protects his wealth..
What'd ya miss?

We started last week with a look at "Market Crusher" stocks from Nova-X Report, looking particularly at a couple phone-related stocks Michael Robinson is  hinting at.  You can see that story here.

I've gotten a pile of questions lately about the pitch from Navellier's Blue Chip Growth for his "Almost Perfect Stock" ... which is, as usual, one that "99 out of 100 investors haven't heard of" and is destined to "double in 2017"... or so Louis believes, at least.  So what's this stock, and is it worth a look-see?  Just click here for the Thinkolator results.

And I shared a bonus free article for you on Friday.  I got a question recently about the "Gold Anomaly" ad from Bill Patalon's Private Briefing, and that is one that I've covered before -- but it was way back in December in the Friday File, so only our Irregulars (paid members) would have seen it.  I've gone back and lightly updated that piece in response to questions, and have opened it up for anyone to read now, so if you're curious about that promised "coming surge in platinum stocks" just click here for that story.

Michael Jorrin popped in as Doc Gumshoe to update us on a story he has covered from time to time -- antibiotic resistance and the rise of the "superbugs."  What's going on, should we be worried or hopeful?  His article is here.

Quite a few readers were curious about how a "spare change stock" could reap an $87 million windfall, as teased by Jim Pearce for his Breakthrough Technology Profits... so what's the story?  We put the Thinkolator to the task of ID'ing the stock for you, and shared some initial musings about it here.

And the Irregulars enjoyed a bonus article this week, Dr. KSS posted his Long Idea of the Year on Thursday...

... and I shared my usual Friday File with my favorite people on, well, Friday -- this time it included a few smaller buys and sells in the Real Money Portfolio I follow for the Irregulars, as well as reactions to a dozen or so companies that have reported earnings in the past week.  You can see that here.

Finally, I should note that by far the most overwhelmingly requested teaser solution last week was the crazy "Oro Blanco" pitch from Dr. Kent Moors -- and no, there is no miracle "God Crystal" that will save us all by being 1,693X more powerful than gasoline, he's just using absurd puffery to hint at his favorite lithium miner.  We covered this a few weeks ago here (Sniffing out Kent Moors' OBL Superfuel), but the questions keep rolling in and the codswallop in the ad must be working, because it keeps sucking people into its vortex of misdirection... to the extent that this reached the level of being covered by Snopes last week (they cited our article).  Crazy times.  
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