January 15, 2021
Dear Valued Reader,

I'm just finishing up the Friday File for the Irregulars, but we've gotten a lot of questions recently about a (much) older teaser ad, so I thought I'd take a moment to point you to our answers... just in case you missed them.  Teeka Tiwari has been pitching his crypto-related "Genesis" stocks with a "I just got back from Trump Tower, and you won't believe..." spiel for a year now, the original ad was dated January of 2020, and it appears to still be in circulation.  I posted a solution to that tease back in April, when the world was falling apart, so all of those stocks teased for their blockchain connections have certainly soared since then, but if you want to figure out what he's talking about I did go into some detail back then... I haven't updated that article, but you can still read it -- just click below to....

He found Apple at $1.49... Oracle at $0.51... Amazon at $46.

Marketwatch call him "The Advisor Who Recommended Google Before Anyone Else."

Now, investing legend Louis Navellier is revealing his Top 6 Stocks to Buy for 2021.

Download your free copy here.


What was the most popular new article this week?  In case you missed it, that was a tease of one of those same stocks Teeka Tiwari was pitching back in April, though this particular tease was from Ian King over at Banyan HIll -- King was talking up his "No. 1 Tech Stock for 2021," if you missed that just click below to...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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