June 29, 2023
Dear Valued Reader,

After our brief break to check out the "Invisible Railroad" yesterday, we're back on the track of the insider buying pitches thrown out by Alexander Green... this second one pitches us with the "#1 Royalty Company in America", and the CEO and other insiders have been buying up shares with their own money... so what's the stock?  Just click below to...

Okay, so imagine this…

You wake up and know the perfect trade you can take BEFORE the market even opens.

You click a few buttons, and boom; the trade is automated for you.

Then you go play a round of golf, head to your kid’s baseball game, take the boat out…Whatever you want to do.

The next morning, you wake up, again you know the trade, and again you automate it.

You see the trade you automated yesterday earned +$425 and, with a few clicks, you close your trading platform and you’re done for the day.

The next day, you’re up +$203… The day after that +$585… Then +$415…

This system exists. Those are real trades from average traders.


What's the "Invisible Railroad" that's being built in a project called "Operation Nightfall?"  Will it lead to riches like those enjoyed by past railroad titans?  That's the pitch from Michael Robinson for his Digital Fortunes newsletter, and we're getting a lot of questions about it, so today I dug in to see what answers can can share... just click below to...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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