November 1, 2021
Dear Valued Reader,

We get emails almost every day about a "double down" stock from the Motley Fool, so since I just got back from Las Vegas (where my "doubling down" failed at the tables, sadly, though the wedding I attended was fun), I thought I'd give a little look-see at the latest "double down" pitch -- this is one that Tom Gardner at the Motley Fool apparently believes will be in their "hall of fame" at the Fool, with past great recommendations like Amazon, Netflix and NVIDIA.  So what's up this time?  Well, it's an idea we've looked at before... but today is a big day for them, so click below to... 

Some say right now it's not the best time to invest in dividend stocks due to lower yields…but I disagree. I recently found two new stocks that use a clever tactic to boost their yields AND both pay monthly dividends. One of them pays 12%...and the other has paid up to 35% this year! Such stocks should be the core of your portfolio. But, don't take my word for it... click here to discover the "stock of a lifetime" that can make your money worries a thing of the past.


Miss anything last week?

We started out by looking for Matthew Carr's $10 stock that he says will boom thanks to the "iPhone Mega Upgrade" coming... just click here for that story.

The most-requested story this week was about Amazon Warrants -- Dave Forest is circulating a pitch about how to buy into warrants on the same terms that Amazon wrests out of their partners... and, as usual, there's some truth to that, my take is here.

After that I dug into Empire Financial's pitch about "the most obvious 10X opportunity" from Enrique Abeyta... this is a re-recommendation from them, but the story has changed some, click here for that one.

And I closed things out with the Friday File, which came a day early as I hit the road on Thursday evening.  I’m mostly mired in quarterly updates, but I did get a quick sneak peak in about the teased "Apple Car" story that readers have been asking about... just click below for the details...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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