January 13, 2022
Dear Valued Reader,

I always like to see a teaser pitch from overseas, to dig into something that one of the newsletters in the UK or Australia might be teasing to their readers... so this teaser pitch from the Motley Fool UK caught my eye, it's promising a "self-repairing" technology coampny that they think could be bigger than Shopify (fat chance, of course), and, it turns out, it's a stock that's listed in the US... so what's the story?  Just click below to...

Tim Plaehn, Editor of The Dividend Hunter just found a new dividend stock that makes any bank account light up like a Christmas tree...up to a 35% yield paying monthly dividends! And the best thing is, it’s a true bargain that most people don't know exists. All the details are in a free Special Report that you can download right now for free with no strings attached. Click here for all the details.


If you're wondering about Dave Forest's $3.1 Trillion Bitcoin Key, I also updated our take on that story earlier in the week -- you can see that piece here.

And our last piece?  Investors love to daydream about takeovers, because those sometimes cause a stock to pop 50% or more overnight, and there are always a few newsletters out there promising to predict which companies will get a takeover bid -- one of those is Lou Basenese's Takeover Trader, and he's promoting subscriptions by talking up three "Takeover Kings" that he thinks will get bought out in the near future, with one in particular a tiny $1.25 stock that he thinks will get a 1,000% premium.  So what's the story, and what are the stocks?  Just click below to...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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