Carrier Management
What's Up With Inflation
Impacts of Financial, Social Inflation
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Why Direct Carriers Do Better During Inflationary Periods
We've entered an inflationary environment, and a significant one at that. The Consumer Price Index (CPI), which has been slowly inching upward since May 2020, increased 0.9 percent from September ...
Commercial Litigation Funding and Social Inflation: A Non-Sequitur
Voices in the insurance industry have recently called for the regulation of commercial litigation funding on the ground that it is "a key driver ...
Rate Hikes, Telematics, Data Science Leading Allstate Back to Profit
For the second time this month, a personal auto insurance giant devoted an investor conference to the topic of rate hikes, with Allstate ...
Why You May See Less of Progressive's Flo In Your State
As insurers like Progressive try to catch up with auto insurance loss severity trends with rate hikes, delays in getting filing approvals in some ...
Ukraine Invasion Analysis: AM Best Sees 'Significant Implications' for Insurers
AM Best believes that Russia's invasion of Ukraine could have a "substantial impact" on the world's insurance industry in the near to midterm, the ...
APCIA: Inflation Outpacing Premium Increases for Auto and Homeowners
U.S. insurers, already hammered by extraordinary losses caused by natural disasters, are also failing to raise premiums at a pace that matches an historic inflation....
Actuaries: Social Inflation Increased Commercial Auto Claim Costs by $20B Over 10 Years
The insurance industry is ringing alarm bells about the cost of social inflation again, this time with the help of an actuarial analysis that ...
Data Points: Attorney Impact on Commercial Auto Losses
Commercial auto insurance loss severity rose about 5 percent per year during the five-year period ending 2019, as the proportion of claims that ...
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