Good morning, Marketer, may you build a ladder to the stars and climb on every rung.

“Keep Austin Weird” is the 2nd most recognizable ad slogan from the Lone Star State (No. 1 = “Don’t Mess With Texas”). It’s also a good reminder to keep an eye out for the strange and eccentric. The daily deluge of data makes it easy to think everything you need is somewhere in those numbers. Unfortunately, numbers can only tell you what’s been counted, not what hasn’t.

There’s a strong chance that anything radical or revolutionary will look wrong at first glance. We like familiar patterns and ways of doing things. What’s different can feel like an attack on what we know. We forget the only constant in life is change. So, look for the odd and unsettling – it may be exactly what you need. Remember, “When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.” Words to live by, if not understand. 

Constantine von Hoffman,
Managing Editor

Meta asks court to intervene in $7 billion lawsuit over Facebook audience numbers

Says group is too diverse to be granted class-action status.

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How Blackcart’s ‘try-before-you-buy’ software is helping Mohala sell sunglasses

Mohala needed to offer customers a hands-on experience in order to demonstrate the appeal of their unusual eyewear offering.

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Connecting individual-level data to drive outstanding results

How do you know when your marketing is excellent, important or had the impact you expected? Ultimately, it comes down to being able to measure marketing performance. Marketing performance is the key to knowing where to spend the next marketing dollar.

If marketers can’t quantify the outcomes of their initiatives, it will prevent them from continuing to receive funding for their marketing budgets. And those outcomes have to be told in a way that the business will understand, care about and believe.

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3 challenges of building customer trust in a privacy-focused world

Building customer trust is vital to the success of any brand. Here's how marketers can increase trust without sacrificing something just as important -- privacy.

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How to measure and communicate the value of marketing in a cookieless world

Third-party cookies are dying. And honestly? Good riddance. With a first-party measurement strategy, you can get to the heart of marketing’s impact using outcome-oriented measures like conversions, leads, sales and, ultimately, ROI. It’s the kind of reporting your stakeholders want. Download this guide and find out how to measure and communicate the value of marketing in a cookieless world.

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Social media advertising projected to more than double by 2028

Expected to reach $262 billion, up from $103 billion in 2020.

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What’s in your marketing stack? Let us know

This is an invitation to tell us about your own real-world marketing technology stack, who owns it and who has the purchase power.

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Quote of the day. “Companies should hire people who have some level of emotional intelligence. If the people on our team cannot read that someone has lost interest, those are basic human skills that I don’t know why you’d need AI [to facilitate].” Grace Briscoe, SVP client development at digital ad company Basis Technologies, on the potential use of AI during sales calls.

From Search Engine Land

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