Dear John
I love the concept of picking a word for the year and making it your goal to live out that word.
What about you? What word would you pick?
My word for 2018 is Transformation. I have several specific things I am working on personally, spiritually, and professionally that will Transform my life.
Personally, I will Transform my priorities from talking about them to doing them.
Professionally, I will Transform from daily operations to speaking and writing.
Spiritually, I will Transform my habit of worry to faith.
What’s your word? In the past I have picked words like Disciplined and Pure.
Go ahead - write your word down.
Here are a few great words to pick from, and I have put I AM in front of them so that when you say them and your brain hears you say them it will follow the instruction to make it so.
I am Honest
I am Dependable
I am Diligent
I am Responsible
I am Disciplined
I am Loving
I am Faithful
I am an Implementer
What’s your word? Do you have it? Imagine if you lived up to that word every day in every area of your life. Would that make 2018 an incredible year? Of course, it would! You can do it. Choose a word, and then one day at time, review that word and bring it to life.
A couple of resources for you. Our Ziglar affirmation and self-talk card will help you transform yourself in 2018. Go here to get it free:
I am offering a free webinar on the Trinity of Transformation in a few days, so click here to register for free.
And if you really want to implement your chosen word in 2018, there is no better tool, no better implementation system, than the Ziglar Performance Planner. You can get it by clicking here.
One year from now, as you are reflecting on your word for 2018, quoting our good friend Vicki Hitzges you will either say “I am glad I did” or “I wish I had” chosen a word for 2018.
The choice is yours!
You were Born to Win, so go ahead and Live to Win!
Proud son of Zig Ziglar
P.S. A shout out to my good friend Jeffrey Miller for inspiring me in so many ways to select the word Transformational.
P.P.S - Happy New Year!