Good morning, Marketer, and what gaps can you fill quickly?

In Ryan Phelan’s outlook on how to approach the new year, he cautions marketers not to over-promise. (Over-promising leads to, or implies, under-delivering.)

Yes, map out some of the foundational elements in your marketing strategy, like customer acquisition. But also identify quick gaps you can fill and deliver on for quick wins.

For me, on the reporting side, I’m looking to hit quickly on what marketers have planned for the upcoming Super Bowl. Long ago, the Super Bowl grew bigger than just the ads (or the game), and now so many marketers have a gameplan on how to leverage digital channels to connect with their audience around the big game.

What ways are you connecting with fans? Drop me an email at

Chris Wood,

Marketers: What should you focus on in 2022?

Opportunities and lessons from the last two years can create an effective marketing plan for 2022.

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Is demand for ads on streaming services declining?

A modest drop in the recent GroupM survey suggests so, down to 73% at the end of last year from 76% in the previous year.

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What are the key elements of successful ABM strategies?

The B2B sales process is notorious for its length and the “hiccups” that can occur when it’s time for prospective customers to get internal buy-in. ABM solves this problem by putting the right messages in front of key decision-makers at target accounts. MarTech’s “Account-Based Marketing Tools: A Marketer’s Guide” examines the market for these tools and the considerations involved in implementation. This 46-page report looks at why B2B companies use ABM software and describes the key elements of successful ABM strategies and the capabilities ABM tools provide. It also compares 13 top vendors.

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Why data-driven decision-making is the foundation of successful CX

How marketers can improve their decision-making processes using automation.

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Unlock the science of email deliverability and optimization

Part art. Part asset. All awesome. Download MarTech’s Email Marketing Periodic Table now to understand the elements that go into successful email marketing campaigns.

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Microsoft will acquire Activision Blizzard Inc. for $68.7 billion

Blockbuster video game deal throws new light on in-game ads and metaverse.

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Marketers: The metaverse is coming

The metaverse and Web3 aren't here yet, but it's time to start thinking about the positive opportunities they might create as well as the negative risks.

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Quote of the day: “They should bundle all the streaming services together and call it cable.” Jim Gaffigan, Comedian

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