
Expert articles on cloud, software development, and AI

Infoworld First Look

May 08, 2024

What software developers hate

Take a look at this unscientific survey to discover some ways to keep developers happy. A few are even simple. Read more ▶

Image: How generative AI is redefining data analytics 

How generative AI is redefining data analytics 

Generative AI not only makes analytics tools easier to use, but also substantially improves the quality of automation that can be applied across the data analytics life cycle.

7 JavaScript language elements every developer needs

Here's what beginning and experienced developers need to know about working with JavaScript's array, for loop, forEach, map, reduce, substring, and switch.

Red Hat launches RHEL for AI

Red Hat Enterprise Linux AI is designed to serve as a foundation model platform that allows users to more seamlessly develop and deploy generative AI models.

Image: Oracle unveils AI-powered coding assistant

Oracle unveils AI-powered coding assistant

Oracle Code Assist will be fine-tuned with Oracle software development practices and coding patterns from Java, SQL, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, and other technologies such as NetSuite SuiteScript.

Microsoft working on an LLM to take on Gemini, GPT-4

Codenamed MAI-1, the new LLM reportedly has 500 billion parameters.

Deno boosts language server performance

Language server enhancements in Deno 1.43 speed up auto-completion performance and improve memory consumption.

10 principles for creating a great developer experience

Tech leaders who maximize developer satisfaction and minimize frustration reap the rewards in hiring, retaining, and delivering results from their dev teams.

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