What Sparks Poetry is a serialized feature that explores experiences and ideas that spark the writing of new poems. In our fourth series, Object Lessons, poets meditate on the magical journey from object to poem via one of their own poems. Each Monday's delivery brings you the poem and an excerpt from the essay.
"As visitors approach the sculpture, the vibration of their feet on the gallery floor, their movements, even their breathing, lead to the slow crumbling and collapse of the work itself. The figure takes on a sense of the sublime and of the divine not so much from its scale, but from its impermanence. Its object-hood, its this-ness, is at every moment in the process of disintegration."
"It took thousands of years and millions of words to imagine a lesbian life that did not end with despair and suicide. While the inevitable yoke between lesbian and suicide has broken—multiple stories portray a variety of lesbians and lesbian lives untouched by suicide—the legacy remains."
Resources for Supporting and Uplifting the Black Community
Brown Art Ink: "This community incubator supports black and Latinx artists through paid opportunities to show work in museums, galleries, and public spaces. The organization also offers professional training in skills required to build a career in the arts."
Black to the Future: "Black to the Future Action Fund is a think tank / act tank that works to make Black communities powerful in politics. We build our capacity to design, win, and implement changes to the problems we face. We expand and protect democracy, and fight for our democracy to work for us."
Woke Vote: "Our mission is to invest in the activation, long-term engagement, training and development of new organizers, and mobilization of historically disengaged voters of color."
Poetry Daily stands with the Black community. We oppose racism, oppression, and police brutality. We will continue to amplify diverse voices in the poetry world. Black Lives Matter.
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