What Sparks Poetry is a serialized feature that explores experiences and ideas that spark the writing of new poems. In Books We’ve Loved, our editorial board members and invited poets reflect on a book that has been particularly meaningful to them in the last year. Each Monday's delivery brings you a poem from the book and an excerpt from the essay. 
Down valley a smoke haze
Three days heat, after five days rain   
Pitch glows on the fir-cones
Across rocks and meadows
Swarms of new flies.

I cannot remember things I once read   
A few friends, but they are in cities.   
Drinking cold snow-water from a tin cup   
Looking down for miles
Through high still air.
from the book RIPRAP AND COLD MOUNTAIN POEMS / Counterpoint Press
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Cover of the 50th anniversary edition of Gary Snyder's first book, Riprap and Cold Mountain Poems
What Sparks Poetry:
Eric Pankey on Gary Snyder's Riprap and Cold Mountain Poems

"Stevens, one could say, shows us his work as he offers the proof of his equation. Snyder, on the other hand, allows each line, each image to stand alone, distinct, separate, and yet each is set to vibrating by the line or image next to it. Each thing is discrete yet part of a whole. I had yet to read Ezra Pound, to have explained to me the ideogrammic method, yet here it is enacted, embodied in this flawless ten-line poem."
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Composite headshots of PEN America's 2022 Emerging Voices Fellows
PEN America Welcomes 2022 Emerging Voices Fellows

Four poets are among the 12 writers selected as PEN America's 2022 Emerging Voices Fellows: S. Erin Batiste, Monica Mills, Edythe Rodriguez and Shakeema Smalls. "The Emerging Voices program is committed to cultivating the careers of Black writers, and those who identify as Indigenous, persons of color, LGBTQ+, immigrants, writers with disabilities, as well as living outside of urban centers."

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