What Sparks Poetry is a series of original essays that explores experiences and ideas that spark the writing of new poems. In our occasional series, Building Community, we spotlight connections between our work on the page and our work in the community, and explore what poetry brings to our neighborhoods, cities, and the wider world—and what community makes possible for poetry itself.
We live on a hillside
close to water
We eat in darkness
We sleep in the coldest
part of the house
We love in silence
We keep our poetry
locked in a glass cabinet
Some nights We stay up
passing it back and
between us
drinking deep
from the book STEAL AWAY: SELECTED AND NEW POEMS /Copper Canyon Press
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What Sparks Poetry:
Kerry Folan on A Community Poetry Reading in Response to Violence

"I stay tuned in to the conversations happening in my community, and try to respond with events that respond. Like the rest of the world, my community has been watching the images of violence and reports of destruction of the past several months with despair. I wanted to offer my community a way to bear witness to all this suffering in a way that felt meaningful and respectful, and felt strongly that poetry can help us in this moment."
Photo of Gary Snyder
A Conversation with Gary Snyder

"Snyder says he's still writing poems from time to time, but doesn't expect another book. He feels he's said what he wants to say in poems. Part of that saying has the ferocity, if that's the word, of Jack Gilbert, but little of Gilbert's pompous edge. There's more attention to thick description in Snyder, to the meat of a matter. The urgency of Adrienne Rich and the patience of Wordsworth. He is one of our greatest living poets."

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