What Sparks Poetry is a series of original essays that explores experiences and ideas that spark the writing of new poems. In Books We’ve Loved, poets reflect on a book that has been particularly meaningful to them in the last year. Each Monday's delivery brings you a poem from the book and an excerpt from the essay.

                    The dead man steps down from the scaffold. He holds his bloody head under his arm.
                    The apple trees are in flower. He's making his way to the village tavern with everybody watching. There, he takes a seat at one of the tables and orders two beers, one for him and one for his head. My mother wipes her hands on her apron and serves him.
                    It's so quiet in the world. One can hear the old river, which in its confusion sometimes forgets and flows backwards.

from the book THE WORLD DOESN'T END / Ecco 
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Color image of the cover of Charles Simic's book, The World Doesn't End
What Sparks Poetry:
Lloyd Wallace on Charles Simic's The World Doesn’t End

"It’s days like this that I get most upset that I will one day die. It’s also days like this I feel most fortunate to have a book like Charles Simic’s The World Doesn’t End to carry with me through my days—a book which, for all the violence it contains, all the liquid strangeness, all the pain, has always seemed to me to look at death with a steady, if somewhat smoky, optimism."
Color headshot of Michael Earl Craig wearing a fedora
"Short Conversations with Poets: Michael Earl Craig"

"Most of the time getting out of a poem involves backing away from the place at which I’ve arrived. I’ve written too much, it’s maybe going in an instructional direction, so I prune the hedges, remove the statue next to the fountain, and things begin to get interesting, to crackle. I don’t always worry when a poem feels like it’s ended too soon."

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