What Sparks Poetry: Robin Myers on Other Arts
"I stopped to watch a group of people doing something odd and beautiful together on a patch of dry grass. Was it a dance improvisation workshop? An actors' warm-up? I couldn't tell, but it felt special to see them doing it. They drifted around and moved their limbs, interacting sporadically with their surroundings and each other, in a way that felt both spontaneous and coordinated, both public and private. Both practiced and unfinished, even unfinishable. They used only their bodies, no language at all." |
"Lindsay Turner on The Upstate"
"'Season of contentment / of the beast:' The Upstate is very much a book about a season in my life, in the way people use 'season' to refer to a longer period of time than just a season. In time, I've begun thinking it of a season of contrasts held in simultaneity, a season of lived contradictions: loving and hating, making a home and being terribly estranged, feeling despair and contentment at the same time."