InformationWeek In Review
23andMe's $30M Breach Dissected; For Sale: Data Preparation; AI's Infrastructure Unmasked

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InformationWeek Week in review
September 20, 2024

Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
What Lawyers Want You to Know About NFTs
NFTs have a rocky history, and for good reason: Buyers and sellers aren’t thinking things through enough.

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23andMe $30M Data Breach Settlement: How Valuable Is Genetic Data?

23andMe agreed to settle a class action lawsuit, but the related breach likely won’t be the last to impact genetic data.
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Selling Data Preparation Plans

Data preparation is a key background function but can also be mission critical. So how do you sell it to the leadership team?
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Pulling Back the Curtain: The Infrastructure Behind the Magic of AI

Here’s a look at the “magic” behind artificial intelligence development, which requires density in design, strategic land selection, and power availability.
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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
California’s New Deepfake Laws Await Test of Enforcement
An effort to quell misinformation that could cloud the US presidential election may come down to compliance among companies that publish and share content. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
3 Ways for Boardrooms To Increase Their Security IQ and Address Cyber Risk
Here’s how boards can uplevel their security intelligence and establish appropriate enterprise risk management strategies to close potential gaps. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
9 Ways Cloud Makes Companies More Competitive
Organizations continue to move deeper into the cloud, but only some of them are realizing a competitive advantage. Here’s why and how. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Hottest AI Jobs
The artificial intelligence boom has led to a hiring explosion for these 10 types of roles. Read More
InformationWeek Week in review
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