There are so many benefits! πŸ˜€

β€œPlaying well with others is important - not being too flashy, just keeping good time and of course coming up with cool beats. A good snare drum, kick drum, high hat. Just getting good at the hand feet coordination."

Chad Smith, Red Hot Chili Peppers

Hey, it's Rachelle here...

Do you know about bilateral drawing?

It's the process of drawing with both hands simultaneously: the hands move independently or in sync, and there's no right or wrong way about it. πŸ™Œ

It can be a tricky at first, a little like patting the head while rubbing the tummy (thanks, Bert and Ernie 🎡) although it does get easier with persistence, while building those persistence skills! It's worth the effort for all the benefits, including improved hand-eye coordination. πŸ†

If you'd like to share this with your child, it only takes a few minutes.

Supplies: Paper and two favorite drawing tools! So simple.

Join me over on Instagram for a speedy tutorial on symmetrical bilateral drawing, and you (and your child!) will be making your own bilateral drawings in no time.

Message me back or share a comment on Instagram if you try this. Send me photos! Write a Review! I'd love to hear how it goes.

Schoolhouse members: A full tutorial on this activity (with video and downloadable PDF) is included in your hub! Find it here.

Not a Schoolhouse member? Exciting news that we're opening the Schoolhouse doors in a few days. Keep an eye out for more on that soon.

All my best,

Rachelle :)

Founder, TinkerLab