Plus the Writer's Digest Holiday Gift Guide-and more.
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Writer's Digest
Clowns to the Left, Jokers to the Right: What to Do When You're Stuck in the Middle of Your Novel
We're well into the "middle," so to speak, of NaNoWriMo, which means that if you're on pace, you're well into the middle of your novel. At this point, it's easy to get stuck writing, but these strategies from Gabriela Pereira's DIY MFA will help you add meat to those core bones of your narrative. Read More...

Steal These 31 Writing Prompts!

Writer’s block? Get your creative juices flowing with 31 Writing Prompts to Inspire You Through the Month!

These prompts are easy, fast, and fun. They’ll help fire up your imagination and encourage you to dig deeper as you write. Plus, they’ll prime your brain to become an idea-generating machine. Whenever you sit down to write, you’ll jump right into the flow.

Get your FREE 31 writing prompts here!

Cross-Genre Fiction: Using Research and Imagination in Hybrid Genres
Author Mark Ellis explains his process of research and creativity to cross genre lines in writing a hybrid genre for his fiction: "Was there any complication involved in straddling two genres? … Apart from the obvious requirement to make one’s stories gripping and entertaining, there is one most important imperative applicable to historical fiction: Get your facts right. Authenticity is of crucial importance. The comparable imperative applicable to detective fiction is to make sure the story is credible." Read More...
Register for Pikes Peak Writers Conference April 27-29, 2018. Jim Butcher, Laurell K. Hamilton and more! Experience Workshops, Networking plus Acquiring Editors and Agents. com
6 Reasons to Read Translated Literature
How often do you expand your literary horizons to books published in other cultures and countries? There's a wealth of knowlegde informed by international cultural perspectives that English-only readers may have never considered-but those doors can open to those who look for them. Here, translator Nicky Harman addresses several compelling reasons why you should read more translated literature.  Read More...
How to Save Your Character From a Drowning Story
Sometimes when a story isn't working, you can salvage your protagonist by stripping away everything else around the character's foundation and rebuilding it using sturdier, more developed bricks-by putting her into a new story that makes her stronger and more relatable. Here, Nicole Blades explains how. Read More...
The Writer's Digest Holiday Gift Guide: 30+ Gifts for Writers
The season of giving is nearly upon us, and in our experience, writers can be a challenging crowd to shop for. That's why we've collected a helpful series of resources and items that we'd be delighted to receive during the holidays. From books and knicknacks to services and videos, this guide offers a compendium of creative experiences, learning tools and gifts for writers of every genre and persuasion. Read More...
How to Work with Hollywood: Crossing the Chasm from Book to Film
Celebrate. You just sold your book to Hollywood. But, what now? Doug Richardson, writer of Die Hard 2, Bad Boys and Hostage, takes an author through the process of book to film and what an author can expect when working with Hollywood. Read More...
Your Weekly Writing Prompt
Table for Two: Craft a story about two people—or other nonhuman characters, if you prefer—from very different backgrounds sharing a meal together. What do they learn about each other that they weren't expecting?

Post your response (500 words or fewer) in the comments here ....
Jess Zafarris
Follow @jfarrisknight
Jess Zafarris is an energetic multimedia journalist with more than 7 years of experience writing and editing, and the online content director of Writer’s Digest.
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