Join me and my fellow Guardian journalists as we analyse the general election results

Hello reader,

After six weeks of an intense, sometimes chaotic election campaign, the voters are about to make their decision. Do they extend the Tories’ hold on power after a long 14 years? Or are the opinion polls right in predicting a historic and sweeping Labour victory?

If they are, the consequences could be huge and enduring. A new government will find itself under almost instant pressure to deliver the change it promised - to bring tangible improvements and to answer some of the fundamental questions our nation has put off too long.

On Friday 5 July, I’ll be joining a panel of fellow Guardian journalists, including Hugh Muir, Gaby Hinsliff, John Crace and Zoe Williams for a special event - in person in London, but also livestreamed so that you can take part wherever you are.
Join us as we discuss and analyse the results of a momentous election - and explore what happens next.

Book your tickets here

I hope to see you there.

Jonathan Freedland
Columnist, the Guardian
