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Dear John,

I thought I would share with you the Dedication page to my new book coming out in just a few weeks - Choose To Win.

Mom and Dad taught me that the fruit of our life is the result of the choices we make. Mom and Dad chose a powerful habit - they chose to always tell those they loved how much they loved them. Simple. Only takes a few seconds. Life changing.

Choose to Win: Dedication

"What will your last words be to those you love?

I am dedicating this book to Mom and Dad, Jean and Zig Ziglar. They both provided me everything. Their words, actions, and faith in God were always loud and clear and they echo in my heart. They showed me by example how to Choose to Win.

If I could have had anyone write the Foreword to this book it would have been Mom and Dad. And then I realized -- they did.

My dad's last written words to me were, "For my son who I love and am very proud and grateful for. Romans 8:28"


Dad was struggling with Alzheimer's, and you can tell by the picture that he struggled to write the sentence - so much so that you can see his heart in the writing.

Mom's last words to me were in the hospital, 48 hours before she passed into eternity. As I was leaving, she motioned for me to come over to her. I leaned over and she grabbed my neck and whispered in my ear - "I am soooooooo, so proud of you and I love you sooooooo, so much."

Mom and Dad left a legacy that will ripple through eternity. It was by design, based on the intentional choices they made.

You can leave a legacy by design as well."

So, I will ask you again - What will your last words be?

Choose To Win!


P.S. You can order the book Choose To Win and receive several bonuses right here: www.ChooseToWinBook.com



Ziglar, Inc., 15400 Knoll Trail Drive, Suite 103, Dallas, Texas 75248 United States 1 (800) 527-0306