This is big. Donate before midnight on 10/4 and your gift to save Net Neutrality will be tripled.


Yesterday was a big blow for champions of a fair and open internet.

In case you missed it: a federal appeals court largely upheld the Trump FCC's decision to destroy Net Neutrality. This decision is a gift to the Trump FCC and companies like Comcast who will do anything to violate your digital civil rights.


With your help, we won't let them celebrate for long. We're taking this fight to the states, Congress and possibly even the U.S. Supreme Court. We can’t do that without your support.

Make an emergency donation before midnight on 10/4 and your gift will be tripled.




Free Press Action


BREAKING: Net Neutrality LOSES in court.

We won’t sugarcoat it: This is a big setback. But we’re here to tell you this fight is not over. Not by a long shot.

Here’s what we know so far - and what’s next:

  • The ruling came down this morning — and while this loss is something we planned for — it’s a big gift to companies like Comcast and Verizon.
  • The court threw out FCC claims that states can't pass Net Neutrality laws. So we'll have to take this fight to the states.
  • We’re weighing the next steps in our legal strategy, including possibly taking the case to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Can you step up right now and make an emergency donation to Free Press Action? For the next 72 hours — every single donation we receive will be TRIPLED thanks to one of our generous donors.

Here’s the silver lining: In this decision, the court defers to the FCC. That means a future FCC in 2021 can reverse this decision. Congress — or the next Congress — has the power to rewrite the laws and save the internet.

We will fight like hell on all these fronts to win back Net Neutrality protections for internet users everywhere.

Net Neutrality is the bedrock of every single social justice movement happening today.

The fights for immigrant rights, racial justice, reproductive freedom, environmental protections and so much more are all being organized online. 

Enemies of the open internet are going to do everything they can to stop the Save the Internet Act in its tracks, and they have a lot more money than we do. We need your help to fight back: Donate now and your gift to fund the fight for Net Neutrality will be tripled up to $100,000 for the next 72 hours.

Thanks for all that you do — and thanks in advance for funding our fight for Net Neutrality.

Craig and the rest of the Free Press Action team

P.S. We can’t do this work without your support (unlike many groups, we don’t take a cent from business, government or political parties). That’s why your donation today is so critical. Please don’t delay — donate between now and October 4 and your gift triples to fund the fight for Net Neutrality. Thank you!

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