Hi John,

Hope you are doing great as the holidays and year-end fundraising deadlines approach!

I'd love to know how you are doing. Why not click return and let me know with a return email?

Today, we can walk on the dark side. We're talking about the misunderstandings people have about major gifts fundraising.

Your board, CEO, CFO or manager may not quite understand the careful process we go through with major donors.

Today's post will help educate them about what can go wrong and even backfire on you.

I"m covering:

  • Why you can raise more with a smaller portfolio of donors.
  • Why you can't rush the ask.
  • Why you can only be successful with a strong structure and process.
  • How wealth screening steer you in the wrong direction.

What You Don't Know About Major Gifts Fundraising That Could Backfire

Feel free to forward this to any people who are interested in learning more about how major gift fundraising really works!

And, do take care of yourself in this busy season.

You're doing the most important work in the world - helping create more goodness, health and peace for us all.

I know you are not acknowledged often, so please let me send a deep thank you for your work!

Dedicated to your success and happiness,


PS: How Can Our Major Gift Coaching Roadmap Help You?

Let me count the ways! We'll help you:

  • Structure your major gifts team
  • Educate your board and engage them in helping with major gifts
  • Create a portfolio management plan to focus on your best prospects
  • Master the soft skills of major gift fundraising
  • Teach you Conversational Asking strategies that donors love
  • And get asks on the table in 2020!

Find out more here - we are already filling up for next year, and I'd love to work with you and your team.


We are pulling back the curtain on capital campaigns this month!

Don't miss our December webinar on Monday Dec 9th - Insider Secrets to Multi-Multi-Million Dollar Capital Campaigns

And we're getting short videos that cover each phase of a capital campaign:

  • The pre-planning strategy stages
  • The all-important silent phase
  • When to go public
  • How to breathe new energy into a lagging campaign
  • How to close out your campaign over goal
Gail Perry


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