Click here to view in browser. | U.S.DepartmentofHealth&HumanServices / NationalInstitutesofHealth | | December 21, 2023 InnaBelfer, M.D., Ph.D. If you plan to apply for a grant from the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) or if youve submitted a grant application, NCCIH program directors (PDs) can be an excellent resource for you. Today, I want to talk about the ways in which we can help you at different stages in this process. What PDs do:PDs are NCCIH staff members with expertise in specific scientific fields who provide scientific guidance to investigators pre- and post-award. One of our most important roles is helping investigators identify an appropriate type of grant program and/or funding opportunity for the investigators research and provide input on whether the proposed specific aims fit within the mission and priorities of NCCIH. We also identify knowledge gaps and develop ideas for new research initiatives, reach out to investigators (for example, through workshops and conferences), manage the scientific aspects of grants, and serve as liaisons between NCCIH and other organizations. |