Nvidia's new TensorRT speeds machine learning predictions

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InfoWorld Big Data Report

Jul 03, 2017
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When big data meets the blockchain

As blockchain technology continues to be explode in popularity and be adopted by organizations around the world, new types of data are becoming available for analysis by the most recent big data technologies Read More

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Your Must-Read Stories

Nvidia's new TensorRT speeds machine learning predictions
Primer: Make sense of cognitive computing
The many (emerging) faces of machine learning

White Paper: Red Hat

IDC: Digital Transformation in the U.S.

The technologies and processes that businesses deploy today are so tightly linked to their customers and markets that the boundary between the company's internal operations and external ecosystem (i.e., customers, markets, competitors, partners, regulators) is rapidly disappearing. Read More

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Nvidia's new TensorRT speeds machine learning predictions

Serving predictions from a GPU is also more power-efficient and delivers results with lower latency, Nvidia claims Read More

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Primer: Make sense of cognitive computing

If you’re confused about exactly what it means from an IT and business perspective, you’re not alone Read More

The many (emerging) faces of machine learning

Machine learning is everywhere: across industries and affecting many aspects of daily living Read More

White Paper: Charter Communications

IDG White Paper: Hybrid Cloud: The Path to Diversified IT Environments

This IDC White Paper analyzes trends related to accelerating adoption and usage of cloud-based hosting infrastructure services and the associated business benefits along with providing insights into organizations that are considering the hybrid cloud approach for their IT environments -- highlighting Navisite's range of cloud hosting services and managed solutions. Read More

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