We’re at a historic crossroads of converging cycles

“There are decades where nothing happens,
and there are weeks where decades happen.”

–Vladimir Lenin

Dear Reader,

The 20th Strategic Investment Conference (SIC) arrives now when historic cycles are colliding—economic shifts, geopolitical instability, social upheaval, a global government debt bomb—all coupled with technological and medical advancements.

More than cycles, these are seismic shifts that will disrupt and alter our way of life. 

The things we take for granted today—high-speed internet, endless information at our fingertips, global communication, Wi-Fi—will not be the new things our children take for granted tomorrow. It’ll be an entirely different and new world. 

Historically, crossing the threshold into new worlds is paved with political upheaval, technological disruptions, unstable markets, and the rise and fall of dynasties. 

But while converging cycles usher in periods of turmoil, it’s important to note that tough times are also typically a prelude to an era of stability, order, and progress.  

Meaning, if we play it right and keep our cool, we can come out ahead.

It is against this backdrop that I believe SIC 2024 is so important for you, me, and our families. Amidst uncertainty and chaos, there is opportunity. 

Whether it’s discussing Neil Howe’s concept of generational archetypes and how they lead us to a “Fourth Turning,” George Friedman’s theories on how overlapping geopolitical cycles are peaking at the same time, Peter Turchin’s “cliodynamics” method of historical analysis, or Ray Dalio’s “Big Cycles” overview; these perspectives help us understand that societies, including ours, face inevitable waves of instability. 

That’s why you need to join us for SIC 2024. Dozens of the finest investors, economists, geopolitical experts, and doctors will be under one roof (virtually of course), and they’ll share with us how they’re navigating these unfolding economic and political cycles. 

Watch this important video from me and reserve your spot for SIC 2024. 

Don’t procrastinate, because if you do, you will miss out on what we have in store for the early birds. You get a discount if you register early too.  

Your confident in a better world on the other side of the storm analyst,

John Mauldin
Co-Founder, Mauldin Economics

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