Doctors spreading disinformation must be held accountable

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First: Do no harm.


Every physician learns this admonition of the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates. But during the COVID-19 pandemic, we're seeing alarming numbers of physicians and other health care professionals actively doing harm by spreading misinformation about vaccines, masks, and more.


As doctors, we at Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) are sickened to see members of our profession cause such harm. This is why PHR is calling on the Federation of State Medical Boards to double down on its urging of member boards to revoke the licenses of physicians who knowingly spread misinformation about the coronavirus and what the science says about vaccines and wearing masks. We urge you to join us in that call.




As an organization founded by physicians who believed health care professionals can prevent human rights abuses, this is not something we take lightly. It is imperative that we speak out when one of our own causes harm. Health professionals have an obligation to safeguard health and human dignity. Those who betray that obligation must be held accountable.


Health care professionals intentionally spreading lies about the efficacy of proven vaccines or undermining the rock-solid science on the protection provided by masks have arguably caused more erosion of public trust than any politician or celebrity. Their actions are dangerous – they are deadly – and the perpetrators must face consequences. If you agree, please demand their licenses to practice medicine be revoked immediately.


Physicians for Human Rights


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