Good morning, Marketer, remember: Don’t put all your devils into one detail.

When does a capability become a liability? When it doesn’t do enough for the consumer. For example, LG and Whirlpool say roughly half the smart appliances they sell aren’t connected to the internet. The reason: Connecting them primarily benefits the company, which collects data and uses it to sell replacement parts or subscription services.

Turns out people aren’t particularly interested in controlling their oven or dishwasher when they’re away from home — the only reason for the consumer putting them online. Who could’ve known that? Pretty much everyone.

This is exactly like app fatigue. Too many of them don’t give me enough to justify the download. The only brand apps on my phone are from my bank and the Red Cross. One makes it easy to do stuff with my money, the other speeds up the check in when I give blood every month. 

Any product function has to benefit the consumer at least as much as it does the company. That’s marketing 101, folks. 

Constantine von Hoffman,
Managing Editor

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