Cancer Health Email Update
A Playful Approach to Life Helps People Cope With Adversity
Life gave them lemons, and they made lemonade.
Alarming Rise in Rates of Advanced Prostate Cancer in California
Following a change in prostate cancer screening guidelines, the incidence went up across the state, even more than it has nationally.
Susan Pack’s Melanoma Story Involves a Rare Subtype of the Skin Cancer
Those of us with metastatic melanoma can look forward not only to an increased quality of life but also to a prolonged life, she says.
Cancer Researcher Loses Gender-Related Grant After Trump’s Executive Orders
The scientist studies data on gender identity and sexual orientation. Here’s why that’s vital for cancer research and health equity.
Take Our Latest Poll:
Do you plan to participate in any actions and advocacy against the Trump administration?
Updates From Four Cancer Patients Who Had Proton Therapy
Proton patients at Fred Hutch share their goals. Combined, they had Hodgkin lymphoma and breast, brain and throat cancers.
Healthy Recipe: Sweet Potato Hummus
Keeping an easy healthy snack around the house can help you keep up your calorie intake.
Our Winter 2025 Issue Is Out!
Click here to read all the content in our latest print issue, including the cover profile on Ben Nathanson, who blogs about metastatic prostate cancer. And don’t miss our feature on oncology patient navigators and how they can help on your journey.

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