Because I have good reason to believe you're someone who stands strongly for the sanctity of human life, I'm emailing to let you know how you can save the life of a vulnerable preborn baby right now.
Pro-abortion forces continue lying to vulnerable women, telling them their preborn babies are nothing more than blobs of tissue—"problems" to solve. To counter this lie, Focus on the Family is working harder than ever to highlight just how valuable and precious God-given life in the womb is.
It's clear . . . the effort to help minister to moms and save preborn babies has never been more important. We hear stories every day from women who have been convinced that they have no other option but to choose abortion, all while the innocent lives inside them have no voice in the decision at all.
That's how it was for Jenn (I've changed her name to protect her privacy).
When she found out she was pregnant, Jenn was convinced she wanted to abort her baby. But she decided to first visit a local pregnancy resource center and have an ultrasound. When the technician did the scan—and this is truly miraculous—the image showed the baby on its knees with its little head bowed down and its little hands clasped . . . almost as if it was praying!
When Jenn saw the ultrasound, she cried out, "The baby looks like it's praying! How can I think of doing this? I'm a Christian, and my baby is praying."
The technician hugged Jenn as both wept. As she did, the tech couldn't help but think, the baby was PRAYING TO LIVE!