Special Briefing

Forbidden Content

The Tumblr Dossier

This is an OZY Special Briefing, an extension of the Presidential Daily Brief. The Special Briefing tells you what you need to know about an important issue, individual or story that is making news. Each one serves up an interesting selection of facts, opinions, images and videos in order to catch you up and vault you ahead.


What Happened? Founded in 2007 by web developer David Karp, microblogging platform Tumblr shook the online world this week by announcing it would ban all sexually explicit posts — including most nudity — starting Dec. 17. In the past, Tumblr has mostly ignored adult content, allowing a large community of not-safe-for-work (NSFW) creators and fans to thrive among its nearly 450 million blogs. But after it was removed from Apple’s App Store last month over an incident involving child pornography, the clock ran out on the platform’s open-minded policy.

Why does it matter? The ban has sparked significant blowback from dedicated users who’ve relied on Tumblr as an outlet for their explicit interests or as a support network for their lifestyles. What’s more, bloggers this week have reported various instances of incorrectly flagged material since Tumblr announced the measure (it's giving users a chance to appeal before the ban takes effect). That has fueled criticism that it's fumbling its attempts to rein in adult content. More broadly, the move has also shown how Apple’s efforts to keep its App Store clean may have far-reaching consequences for platforms like Tumblr.


A platform apart. Tumblr’s previous permissiveness toward nudity set it apart from other social media platforms, providing a prejudice-free place for otherwise marginalized social groups but also allowing some questionable or abusive content to circulate. Members of the LGBTQ community, as well as sexual assault survivors, have used it as a safe space for communication and support. Sex workers marketed themselves with few restrictions and shared educational material in a bid to destigmatize their industry. Even after Yahoo purchased the platform for $1 billion in 2013, management doubled down on its porn-friendly policy, suggesting it shouldn’t be the one to draw a line between art and explicit content. That approach won many people over, including those who say Tumblr helped them better understand their sexual orientation.

There’s a line. Yet Tumblr’s liberal take on content has also caused serious problems. Despite a strict no-tolerance policy, child pornography still reportedly slipped through its filters. In recent weeks, cases have cropped up across the U.S. in which suspects were charged with downloading or sharing illegal material on Tumblr. Police from Arkansas to Vermont have been busy hunting down such offenders — though often with help from Tumblr itself, which reports the illegal content. Other countries are also on alert: Earlier this year, Indonesia blocked the platform over pornographic content, and just yesterday, South Korean authorities announced they'd arrested 101 people for distributing child porn on Tumblr and Twitter.

A safer, cleaner internet? Few would argue with the dangers posed by the proliferation of child pornography. But there’s another aspect to the Tumblr saga that’s rankling some critics: the power of Apple’s App Store. At least since CEO Steve Jobs famously declared in 2010 that “folks who want porn can buy an Android phone,” the online marketplace has shunned ribald corners of the internet. Early on, it purged thousands of apps featuring “content that is frequently pornographic.” In 2016, it booted third-party Reddit apps that allowed users to toggle NSFW material on and off. Before banning adult content outright, Tumblr had been set to Safe Mode by default. Given Apple’s massive market share, some technology journalists have wondered whether the company’s in-house sanitization efforts are forcing much of the internet to play ball with its rules.

Anti-trust us. Apple’s control over content is even playing out in the legal realm. As part of a long-running case, the Supreme Court is considering whether the App Store constitutes a monopoly. In 2011, iPhone owners sued Apple for driving up costs by requiring them to buy apps exclusively from its online market, thereby locking out third-party tools. Apple’s argument probably doesn’t come as a surprise: Strict control over apps is necessary to protect customers from malware. A 2014 dismissal of the case was overturned in 2017, and now the country’s highest court will render a ruling on whether or not users can sue Apple for being a monopoly. The court’s decision probably won’t affect the company’s adult content policies — but it highlights how powerful of a force its App Store can be.


RIP Tumblr Porn. You Made Me Who I Am. by John Paul Brammer in The Washington Post
“First, it meant you were probably queer; the platform is a hub for LGBTQ discourse. But being on Tumblr also meant you had an offbeat sense of humor, an interest in social justice and, of course, a fondness for utter filth.”

Fandom’s Fate Is Not Tied to Tumblr’s by Casey Fiesler and Brianna Dym in Slate
"Like Tumblr, LiveJournal cracked down with new definitions of 'adult' or 'obscene' content, and like Tumblr, its methods for identifying that content were hopelessly flawed."


Apple Argues Supreme Court Case Over App Store

“The idea that consumers can’t sue a store that monopolizes seems, to me, strange. It would make you wonder, ‘Well, can you sue Walmart if they monopolize?’”

Are Facebook and Google Censoring Content?

"We have these opaque algorithms controlling what we can and can't see and we have no idea how they're being controlled."


Getting flagged. Tumblr has relied on an algorithm to identify adult content to be removed — and the results have been predictably unreliable. Some users have shared curiously flagged posts, including: a close-up of the classic statue Laocoön and His Sons, a still from the children’s anime Castle in the Sky, a nipple-revealing cartoon frog, sketches of dogs and various landscape photos.