COVID outbreak at Ukraine pilgrimage threatens 'mass infection' in Israel
Haaretz News
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Palestinian street vendors next to the rubble of destroyed buildings after an 11-day war between Hamas and Israel, in Gaza City, in July.
Israel's Lapid Presents Plan for Gaza Reconstruction, Saying Wars and Blockade Are Not Working
| 12.09.2021
An Israeli flag is placed near a victim's name at the September 11 Memorial at Ground Zero, August 31, 2021
They Came to New York From a War-torn Israel. Then 9/11 Happened
| 12.09.2021
Israeli settlement of Ma'ale Efrayim in the West Bank, 2020.
Nearly 200 Americans Moved to West Bank Settlements Last Year, Gov’t Figures Reveal
| 12.09.2021
Pilgrims reading scrolls after landing at Ben-Gurion Airport last week.
Forged Tests, No Masks: COVID Outbreak at Ukraine Pilgrimage Threatens 'Mass Infection' in Israel
, | 12.09.2021
Arab Israelis demonstrating in support of Palestinian prisoners escaping an Israeli Jail, Nazareth, yesterday.
Citizenship or Nationalism: Palestinian Jailbreak Puts Israel's Arab Community in a Bind
Jack Khoury / Analysis | 12.09.2021
Rescuers work by the wreckage of the cable car after it collapsed near the summit of the Stresa-Mottarone line in the Piedmont region, northern Italy.
Israeli Grandfather Accused of Kidnapping Boy Whose Parents Died in Italian Cable Car Accident
| 12.09.2021
A medical worker prepares to administer a patient's third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at a Clalit HMO in Jerusalem.
Explained || U.S. COVID Booster Shot: Why Israel Went for It, and Is It Working
| 11.09.2021
Willow Zimmerman as Whistle from the new book. (Art by Manuel Preitano, colors by Gabby Metzler and letters by ALW’s Troy Peteri.)
She’s 16. She’s Jewish. She’s Gotham’s Newest Superhero
, PJ Grisar | 12.09.2021
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett attends a cabinet meeting in Jerusalem, today.
Bennett: Series of Failures Led to Escape of Palestinian Fugitives
| 12.09.2021
Palestinian street vendors display clothes for sale, Gaza, two months ago.
After PA Backtracks, Israel Examining Alternatives for Transferring Qatari Funds to Hamas
, | 12.09.2021
Volunteers sitting around a kibbutz pool, in Israeli filmmaker's Yoav Brill's 2021 documentary "Apples and Oranges."
When U.S. Volunteers Treated the Kibbutz to Hash-laced Brownies
| 12.09.2021
Al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri.
Al-Qaida Leader Says 'Jerusalem Will Never Be Judaized' in Video Marking 9/11 Anniversary
| 12.09.2021
IAEA chief speaks with Deputy Head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, yesterday.
Iran to Allow Watchdog to Service Monitoring Cameras at Nuclear Sites
| 12.09.2021
File photo: Credit cards in the United States.
‘Please Provide Your Credit Card and Code’: New Israeli Facebook Scam Is a Lesson in Online Fraud
| 12.09.2021
Lapid and Bennett in the Knesset, last week
The Lapid-Bennett Government Is Learning That Apolitical Politics Is a Myth
Carolina Landsmann / Opinion | 12.09.2021 - הארץ
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