The Effect of Not Doing

November 6, 2016
When We Don’t Take Action
The Effect of Not Doing

by Madisyn Taylor

Our actions shape our lives, but what we don't take action on can be just as powerful.

Life is sculpted on a moment-to-moment basis. Every one of the thoughts we think, the words we speak, and the actions we take contributes to the complex quality and character of the universe's unfolding. It simply is not possible to be alive without making an impact on the world that surrounds us. Every action taken affects the whole as greatly as every action not taken. And when it comes to making the world a better place, what we choose not to do can be just as important as what we choose to do.

For example, when we neglect to recycle, speak up, vote, or help somebody in immediate need, we are denying ourselves the opportunity to be an agent for positive change. Instead, we are enabling a particular course to continue unchallenged, picking up speed even as it goes along. By holding the belief that our actions don't make much of a difference, we may find that we often tend to forego opportunities for involvement. Alternatively, if we see ourselves as important participants in an ever-evolving world, we may feel more inspired to contribute our unique perspective and gifts to a situation.

It is wise to be somewhat selective about how and where we are using our energy in order to keep ourselves from becoming scattered. Not every cause or action is appropriate for every person. When a situation catches our attention, however, and speaks to our heart, it is important that we honor our impulse to help and take the action that feels right for us. It may be offering a kind word to a friend, giving resources to people in need, or just taking responsibility for our own behavior. By doing what we can, when we can, we add positive energy to our world. And sometimes, it may be our one contribution that makes all the difference.
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How to Work with the Spirit World
by Steffany Barton, RN

Angels and animals and guardians, oh my! We are constantly and continuously in sacred communion with the spirit world, the other side, the etheric realm. We cannot separate ourselves from our true nature: spiritual beings having a human experience. Being well connected to Spirit enhances and enriches life on every level. For every human concern, for any earthly need, there is a spiritual being supporting us on our path. Each lesson includes video, audio, and printed material to guide you in strengthening your connections. The lessons are empowering, conceived in love, and designed to help you create a very personal connection with the Other Side. All you need to know is contained within. Get connected!

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