Hi, what's the craic?

This week has seen a total game-changing announcement that will eventually make it way quicker to get around the UAE.

Etihad Rail unveiled plans for a high-speed rail link between Dubai and Abu Dhabi which promises to reduce travel time to just 30 minutes.

Of course, the question on everyone's lips was – where on earth was this train when Coldplay were here? Seriously though, it's an extraordinary announcement. But it's going to, ironically, take some time to get here.

We're still waiting for the regular passenger service to be rolled out after all. But it does look like we're getting closer.

When plans for the high-speed rail were announced, Etihad Rail also revealed where the first four passenger stations will be. So, progress is slow but to meet the UAE's high standards it has to be.

While the train couldn't be here on time for Coldplay, we will get a longer Dubai Metro service on Monday for Green Day. I'll see you all in the mosh pit for that one.

You stay classy Dubai,


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Etihad Rail

Travel between Dubai and Abu Dhabi in just 30 minutes


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(Credit: Adobe)

When, where and how to see them all

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