Hi ,

Hello last month of 2018, aka; December,

This is your official last push to make your numbers in 2018.

There is nothing worse than a solid year that ends with a bad month, and there is nothing worse than a sales manager who fails to prepare their team’s mindset for any situation.

All problems start at the head.

Show me a weak Wolf Pack and I will show you a weak CEO. This is a universal truth.

Preparation begins at the head, and the CEO must always be in the loop with how their Wolf Pack is doing and leading them through their toughest issues.

 It starts at the head

All problems walk on two feet.

Even the best-of-the-best Sales Wolves have a down day from time-to-time.

The true danger is a Sales Wolf losing their mojo for a week, month, quarter or even a year or more. When a Sales Wolf is off on their game, every cold call, connection, proposal and meeting becomes imperiled.

To make matters worse, a Sales Wolf who lost their mojo can infect the mindset of others.

The good news is many Sales Wolves eventually get back on track. Eventually.

But time is money and your Sales Wolves need your guidance.

It is time to get clear about what impacts the mojo of your Sales Wolves.

When salespeople lose their mojo

Why mindset is essential in sales and sales leadership

When your Sales Wolf loses their mojo, the one thing you need to ask yourself is; where is their head at? What is occupying their mind that is distracting them from crushing it? Whether it is their personal life, their health, or even an issue at the office, it must be figured out and addressed.

No matter the issue, there is always a way to help your Sales Wolves dial back in while you are at work. There are effective steps to recognizing their mindset threats and challenges and  addressing them in order to always keep on top of their game.

Where is their head at?  


Rock on.

Chris Young

Founder, CEO