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November 22, 2016

Where You Sit at the Thanksgiving Table Says a Lot About You (and Your Family)

Thanksgiving should be no-brainer, right? There’s family, there’s food… What could go wrong once the turkey is done roasting and the last roll pulled out of the oven? Well, for one thing, you could be sitting in the wrong spot at the Thanksgiving...Read More
A Small Gathering

10 Best Thanksgiving Centerpieces Across the US

Across the country, people are getting ready for Thanksgiving. With all the menu planning, house cleaning, decorating, and entertaining duties that hosts have to take care of, it can be overwhelming to think about the smaller details. Centerpieces,...Read More

9 Thanksgiving Toasts — Classic, Modern, and a Little Wacky

Thanksgiving is not only a day for consuming a massive meal; it’s also a day for family, togetherness, and expressing gratitude. There’s no better way to communicate the attendant emotions than by addressing your fellow diners with a toast before...Read More
Patriotic family

Here’s What Your Favorite Thanksgiving Pie Says About You

No Thanksgiving plate would be complete without dessert, and the dessert du jour is the pie. Apple pie, pumpkin pie, sweet potato pie, even the unseasonal strawberry pie: They’re all great. And they all help to make the wonderful holiday of...Read More
Thanksgiving Pies

6 Ways to Change the Subject When Things Get Tense at Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving is the one holiday that brings family together from all over the country to convene in one place. Young and old, liberal and conservative, traditional and modern… loved ones all gather around one table to break bread, be thankful, and...Read More
Changing the subject

5 Games to Pass the Time While Thanksgiving Dinner Cooks

Thanksgiving is definitely one of the biggest family gatherings of the year. It’s a time when you get to see your loved ones, catch up, and spend quality time together. However, Thanksgiving can also include a lot of idle time, especially if...Read More
Family playing a game

How to Plan a Romantic Thanksgiving When It’s Just the 2 of You

Thanksgiving isn’t the first holiday that comes to mind when you think of romance. Valentine’s Day or New Year’s Eve have that reputation locked down, while Thanksgiving seems more likely to involve eating too much and falling asleep on the couch....Read More
Happy Couple at Thanksgiving

What You Drink at Your Local Bar Vs. What You Drink When You’re Home for the Holidays

It’s been said that “Thanksgiving Eve,” also known as the Wednesday before Thanksgiving is the busiest drinking day of the year. And, if you start to think about it, the idea makes sense. Most people are home for the holidays and anxious to see old...Read More
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