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Friday, October 7, 2016

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In the Magazine

>From the October 2016 Issue:

Pardon Power web page.

This Week's Featured Blawg From Our Blawg Directory

Pardon Power

News regarding presidential pardons and the pardon power (or clemency powers) as exercised in each state.

Question of the Week

What advice do you have for criminal defendants or civil litigants?

This week, we took note of a West Virginia lawyer’s Facebook page, L. Scott Briscoe’s Free Legal Tips.

Briscoe’s advice is usually something like Free Legal Tip of the Day #6: “Drinking ice water just before your drug test does not adequately explain why your urine sample is cold.”

So this week, we’d like to ask you: What advice do you have for criminal defendants? Or civil litigants? We welcome both serious suggestions and quirky ones that suggest you’ve had clients who have done some strange things.

Answer in the comments.

Read the answers to last week’s question: In law school, did you get better scores on longer essay answers?

Featured answer:

Posted by Meshugginer: “I tell people that I finished first in law school. I didn’t have the best grades, but every exam, I finished first. My classmates would make book on how long it would be between start time and when I would turn in the blue book. My grades weren’t the best, but judges tended to like my brief briefs.”

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