Pay off your debt, buy a nice house, retire, and melt away in the comfort of knowing you're set for the rest of your days. Oh, what I'd do with earnings of $1 million (R16.8 million) per episode of my highly successful television show.
According to industry insiders, the Kardashians are reportedly splitting a nine-figure amount for their new Hulu reality series on top of their respective salaries for their own companies and brands. And though I know no one's interested in following the life of a journalist who spends most of her time slumped on a couch eating Samyang noodles, that still sounds like a mouth-watering amount.
According to Variety's latest report listing the salaries of TV stars, that's not too far off, with many actors in the elite $1 million per episode club. The report states that the industry is moving towards a model that pays one big star that amount. You'll be surprised by the number of shows that have paid that amount to entire casts over the years.
By the end of their run on Friends, the cast was earning $1 million per episode. For walking through their old set and sitting on a couch (I'm jealous) for Friends: The Reunion, they made $2.5 million (R34.2 million) – each.
Click 'read more' to see who else earns the whopping amount per TV show episode.