Media Winners & Losers

Mark Schoofs

Veteran journalist Mark Schoofs has been named the new Editor-in-Chief of BuzzFeed News, the publication announced this week. He replaces Ben Smith, who left the company to write for the New York Times in early March.

His tenure begins on May 18, during which he will remain based in Los Angeles and continue in his role as a professor at USC. 

Schoofs has won several Pulitzer prizes at The Village Voice and The Wall Street Journal. He was formerly a senior editor at ProPublica before becoming the head of the investigative reporting division at BuzzFeed News. In 2018, he joined University of Souther California’s School of Communication and Journalism while still advising BuzzFeed News.

 BuzzFeed CEO Jonah Peretti welcomed Schoofs in a press release touting his extensive and impressive career as journalist.

“I’m so excited to welcome Mark back to BuzzFeed, because I know how deeply committed he is to ensuring that BuzzFeed News remains the best place on the internet for free, high quality news, and reaches even greater heights,” Peretti said. 

Congratulations to Schoofs, and to Buzzfeed.
White House Press

During a pretty extensive Q&A session on Tuesday, White House counselor Kellyanne Conway was asked not one single question about President Donald Trump attacking her husband, George Conway, as a deranged loser.

Trump ranted about Conway the mister this week, both in a dead-of-night tweetstorm, and then later to reporters on the tarmac at Andrews AFB. And not just a random rant, but one that specifically mentioned Kellyanne by name.

Which, you would think, would bear some inquiry.

Yet, when Conway gaggled with reporters on the driveway to the West Wing on Tuesday for nearly 12 minutes, not one single reporter asked her about it, not even as she walked away.

Kellyanne Conway has bristled in the past when she has been asked about her husband, and there has been some commentary here and there about the decorum of such a question.

But just to repeat the point, the President bashed his advisor's husband brutally, specifically mentioning their relationship, and not one reporter brought it up.

Not. One.

The A-Block

Grief, Outrage, Injustice

On Wednesday, the most talked about topic on social media was also the most disturbing: video of the fatal shooting of Ahmaud Arbery, an unarmed black man, after he was chased down by two white men.

The heinous crime occurred in Georgia on February 23, and was captured by a witness with a cell phone.
That video was posted online Tuesday, and overnight the disbelief boiled into anger.

Prominent figures on social media reacted with grief and outrage, as well as calls for justice for the father and son who were as yet not charged in the slaying. However, charges are now being considered.

When CNN correspondent Martin Savidge was filming a report in the Georgia neighborhood where the killing occurred, loud gunfire echoed in the area. 

“That is semi-automatic gunfire,” Savidge said after airing the footage on CNN. “Nobody was hit. Nobody was hurt. But there was a lot of it."

"That was a message directed directly at us, telling us that we weren’t wanted in that community," he said.

Coronavirus Task Force

President Donald Trump was under fire Tuesday over news that the White House task force formed to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic would be closing shop. It was reported that Dr. Anthony Fauci had been left in the dark. Then that a whole chunk of the task force was blindsided.

MSNBC's Joe Scarborough said that Trump is in "full-blown panic" over his political fortunes, and this was him trying to salvage his poll numbers. 

But this morning, Trump took to Twitter to announce: Nevermind. 

"The Task Force will continue on indefinitely," he said.


A new report says Jared Kushner recruited about a dozen volunteers to help the Trump administration procure personal protective equipment to help battle the coronavirus, but it turned into a bungled search for supplies with questionable results.

A new report from the New York Times includes emails and documents showing that the volunteers were instructed to “prioritize tips from political allies and associates of President Trump," and made terrible deals, doled out favors to people like Fox's Jeanine Pirro, and generally just ...well, botched it.

Reopening for some, hardship for others

Dr. Richard Besser, a former Obama administration CDC director, told CNN's Anderson Cooper that the President's plan to reopen the economy is rife with racial inequality.

"We are saying if you have money and you’re white, you can do well here. If you’re not, good luck to you," he said of the national plan. 

“That is what it boils down to,” agreed Anderson Cooper.


MSNBC contributor Anand Giridharadas said Wednesday that Americans have a “freedom obsession” and that the right's "war on government" is costing lives in the pandemic.

“There’s a primordial American tradition going back to the founders of being freedom-obsessed, even though we’re a country founded on slavery and genocide," he said.


Twitter users had to remind Politico that residents of China are forbidden from using the platform after the publication published an absurd take, an article bragging that users of “Chinese Twitter” were “roasting” President Trump for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

Massively Negative

Kevin Hassett, senior economic adviser to President Donald Trump, predicted to Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business Wednesday that the United States GDP will shrink by a massive 40% in the second quarter due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Good News

West Craven High School principal Tabari Wallace, along with a group of teachers, visited each of the school’s 220 graduating seniors to personally congratulate them, as traditional graduation was postponed amid the coronavirus lockdown.

Wallace showed up in a cap and gown while carrying a sign that displayed each graduate’s senior class photo, making sure they all felt acknowledged despite social distancing.

The video will brighten this bleak morning.


Must-See Clips


West Virginia Gov. Jim Justice dropped a bomb during a live press conference in which he was outlining his plan for the reopening of the state. 

An eff bomb.

It's amazing. He later blamed it on an audio glitch, which is absolutely effing precious.


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The White House’s push to reopen the economy this early is a dangerous gamble
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Whichever model you use, this virus is going to kill a lot of people
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